
Thursday, September 07, 2006


Blogs are:

a) A great way for writers to display their work
b) The electronic equivalent of a bathroom wall
c) A medium that gives the average person a voice
d) The latest time waster for both readers and writers
e) All of the above.

In my opinion, “E” is the correct answer. While many people make good use of our newest information medium, many more people post garbage. You know what I’m talking about – sites like the one I found devoted to studying the jet contrails that dot the Las Vegas sky. (It’s a conspiracy and is melting the ozone, in case you’re interested.) Many blogs are nothing but collections of poorly written ramblings by people who regard punctuation and correct spelling as optional. Yesterday’s USA Today carried a letter to the editor describing all bloggers as “fly-by-night” and ignorant of basic journalistic principles. (Yes, I sent a response to the editor about that one.) If you’re looking to read (or write) a blog, here are some examples of good blogs:

Ink Thinker by Kristen King is chock full of good advice for those us doing our best to hammer out a living at the keyboard:

Denise Kincy chronicles her life as writer on A Writer’s Journey:

For moms who are also writers:

Although I’m focused on blogs that address writing, I’d like to hear about good blogs on all subjects. What blogs do you find are worth your time?

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